Shortage of bed spaces reported in hospitals in Stockholm

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT / NTB

There is an acute shortage of beds in the health care system in Stockholm. The staff is concerned about the situation.

“It is completely full in all of Stockholm, and we know that we will have more patients by the end of the week,” doctor Lina Stålhane told P4 Stockholm.

The health service in Stockholm has been unusually heavily burdened throughout the Christmas and New Year holidays.

“All intensive care units and all geriatric wards are full,” Stålhane warns.

Chief physician Johan Styrud at Danderyd Hospital says there are three reasons for the high pressure on the health service.

“One thing is the normal emergencies. In addition, there are corona patients and cases of the common flu, which are rising very fast right now,” he told the newspaper Expressen.

Corona in Sweden

On December 29, more than 10,000 new cases of infection were registered in Sweden, according to Worldometer, and there has been a marked increase in infection in the last seven days.

The local health authorities admit that the situation is challenging but emphasize that there is room for people who need hospital care.

“No one needs to hesitate to go to the hospital if they need it,” chief physician Patrik Söderberg in Region Stockholm told the news agency TT.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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