Six left-wing extremists arrested in Arendal

Pepper Spray. Illustration photo:

Six left-wing extremists are arrested during the Arendal week

Six left-wing extremists are arrested in Arendal, suspected of riots aimed at the Islam-critical organization SIAN and the fringe Political Party The Alliance (Alliansen) under Arendalsuka, reports the online newscaster Filter News.


The police informed about the arrests at 7 pm on Thursday. The latest information from the police states that it concerns six persons.

– The persons who are arrested are part of a group of people that has been urged by social media to perform extensive disturbances and violent acts during the Arendal Week (Arendalsuka), says the Chief Executive Officer in the Agder Police District, Morten Sjustøl.

The police say that the persons they have arrested can be linked to possession of pepper spray, among other things.

– With the arrests, the police believe that they have prevented major disruption of the event, says Sjustøl.

Looking for trouble

The apprehended persons are arrested and will be interrogated on Friday. The police say they can not provide further information about the case at this point in time, as it is very early in the process.

Filter News reports that the six who are detained, are left-wing extremists, including the leader of the communist group, «Serve the People» (Tjen Folket). After what the newspaper has been informed, the police feared that the group sought violent clashes with persons from Stop Islamicization of Norway (SIAN) and the Alliance. The two latter groups held a pre-approved rally during the Arendal Week.


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