Parliamentary representative, Freddy André Øvstegård (SV) made a police report on the neo-Nazi group, DNM for threats and incitement to violence.
The reason for the report was that the Nordic Resistance Movement (DNM), on its website, called Øvstegård a people trafficker after he and several SV members spoke in favour of expelling DNM activists from Halden city center in May 2017. Then postersappeared with the slogan “Reserved for traitors” wrote Dagsavisen newspaper.
‘’Several have asked me to report the Nordic resistance movement. I’ve tried to push these threats aside. But after the last few days and the Nordic Resistance Movement’s mapping of gay activists, I will go to court’’ he told the newspaper.
Øvstegård believes it is important to report threats from the group, so that one can try hate messages in court. In addition, it could allow the police to define the scale of the threat.
DNM did not respond to Dagsavisen’s inquiries about the police notification even after repeated attempts.
DNM call themselves national socialists. They want to stop what they call ‘mass immigration’ to the Nordic countries and throw out those who are not of the “Nordic race”. In Sweden and Finland, DNM members have committed serious acts of violence.
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