Refugees residing in Norway are now entitled to rights that otherwise require 40 years of membership in the national insurance scheme. But this will soon change, reports VG newspaper.
The Government will aim to remove the right of refugees to a pension from the first day after a residence permit has been granted. It also wants to raise the residence time requirement for work assessment allowance and disability benefits from three to five years.
Refugees currently have schemes that entitle them to full retirement pensions and other social security and welfare benefits, without having to earn the time required for these benefits, VG writes.
“I will be very happy if we get a breakthrough and the Government has included this in the budget. It is pointless that refugees should have better schemes than residents of Norway,” said Erlend Wiborg (Frp), the leader of the Labour and Social Committee of the Parliament.
The Government will present a draft state budget for 2020 on Monday.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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