Stoltenberg: The Ukraine war could last for several years

Photo: AP Photo / Olivier Matthys

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg believes it could take several years before the war in Ukraine is over. The costs will be high, he says.

“No one knows how long the war will last. We must prepare for the fact that it may take several years. 

“We must not stop supporting Ukraine, even though the costs are high, not only in terms of military support but also rising energy and food prices,” Stoltenberg said in an interview with the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

“But there is no comparison with the cost that Ukrainians have to pay daily, with many lives (lost),” the NATO Secretary-General stated.

Stoltenberg believes that shipments of more modern weapons and equipment will increase the likelihood that Ukraine will be able to drive Russian President Vladimir Putin’s forces out of the Donbas region.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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2 Comments on "Stoltenberg: The Ukraine war could last for several years"

  1. This is like the Norwegian military attache in Kabul warning that Afghanistan could fall to the Taliban sometime later in the fall, and that happened 3 days later. Then too, there was the unexpected(ly fast) collapse of South Vietnam in 1975.

    There have been 4 positive pro-peace developments, indicating the Ukraine War won’t be a long war. In any case, the Russians invaded to END the war, and they mean to do so.

    1. Henry Kissinger urging the Ukrainians to compromise on territory to get (everyone) peace, in his remarks to Davos.
    2. The revelation of what Pope Francis had said in his interview in May about the Russians being provoked and war could have instead been prevented.
    3. The report that President Biden has told SecState Blinken and SecDef Austin to cool the rhetoric instead of wanting to “defeat” or “weaken” the Russians.
    4. NATO SecGen Jens Stoltenberg has also urged the Ukrainians to be willing to concede territory for peace.
    And I have seen a Western media article that a fair treaty is not a “surrender.”

    Looking at all these together, things are now looking VERY hopeful for ending this tragedy.

    And once it is ended, international relations will need to be de-polarized and greatly repaired … and sanctions dropped … and the necessary international unity attained to deal with the environmental emergency before there is a catastrophic collapse of the environment.
    So much time and treasure wasted and suffering and death for innocent Ukrainians. Maybe this will bitterly teach us to refrain from war for the next 75 years.

    And then there is that report of the Russians wiping out the command bunker in southern Ukraine, which may have decapitated counter-offensive operations down there.

    As James Mattis titled his July 2021 podcast, “Reality is a terrible adversary.”

  2. Vernon Childers | 20. June 2022 at 16:50 | Reply

    It seems Stoltenberg is a cheerleader for the war and what is going on in Ukraine. He and his ilk need to put their words into action instead of just talking about it, and grab a rifle and join the action. Otherwise, keep quiet.

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