Ahead of the government negotiations, the likely Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (AP) says that the winners of the elections have been given a clear mandate for a change of government.
On Thursday, the Labor Party, the Socialist Left Party (SV), and the Center Party (SP) will start negotiations on red-green government cooperation.
“I am glad that the three parties meet for negotiations and that we have an opportunity to form a majority government,” Støre said when the three party leaders met the press.
“We have received a very clear mandate from the voters, and it is a change of government,” he noted.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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Are there 3 different, divergent interpretations of what that mandate is?
Crucially, is there any consensus on foreign and military policy? … considering Støre was foreign minister pushing – along with his French neocon guru buddy Bernard-Henri Levy+ – Norway joining our Libya war/holocaust.
More war or no war? What about Sp’s sensible rather than dogmatic Liv Signe Narvasete for foreign minister?
+ In the article about Bernard and *his* good buddy Me Too guy Harvey Weinstein working on B’s “Oath of Tobruk” propaganda film about what a “success” our attack on Libya was, B is acclaimed as being the “architect” of the Libya holocaust. Algemeiner, 18May12, “Exclusive: The Meeting That Led Harvey Weinstein to Purchase The Oath of Tobruk.”
Remembering here as well Aftenposten’s 8Okt15 article “Når filosofer kan starte kriger, må vi kunne kreve av våre folkevalgte at de kan hindre dem”/”When philosophers can start wars, we must be able to demand from our elected representatives that they can prevent them,” by Catharina Jacobsen.