Student nurses must attend exams in person – some are worried about infection control

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

Around 6,000 student nurses around the country have to physically show up for exams despite the measures from last week to reduce contact between people.

The exam in anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry (AFB) will be held on Wednesday, the newspaper Aftenposten writes.

The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) has decided that this exam must be taken at school. The decision is professionally based, NOKUT chief Kristin Vinje stated.

“It is based on the responsible authorities’ guidelines that school examinations can be completed with good organization. Furthermore, there are strong academic considerations that suggest that the school exam is the best way to test this type of knowledge,” Vinje said.

“The decision stands as long as the recommendations are as they are at the moment,” she added.

Premises rented

Specialized University (VID) has received inquiries from concerned students. The school has converted exams in some subjects into home exams, but this is not possible for exams in AFB, according to vice-rector Helene Lund.

“NOKUT has decided that it will be a school exam out of consideration for quality. We understand that,” Lund said.

The school has rented suitable premises in addition to the school’s own.

“We will be able to conduct the exam in line with the local requirements,” Lund said.

Several messages from concerned students

Deputy head of NSF Student, Sigrid Husøy Larsen, told Sykepleien that they received messages from concerned students across educational institutions.

Students are most concerned about whether some will choose to show up even if they have symptoms. This could potentially lead to an additional burden on the health service, Larsen believes.

“What is special about nursing students is that they often work in the health service alongside their studies. They will sit in a room with lots of people who potentially have symptoms and then go to work,” Larsen said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayEducation

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