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Survey: Three out of five Norwegians think it’s okay to drive too fast

Speed controlPhoto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

A new survey shows that 59% think it is okay to drive faster than the speed limit. “There must be a change of attitude,” the police say.

The figures appeared in a survey Norstat has carried out for Frende Forsikring just before the holidays. A thousand people were asked if they think it’s okay to drive a little too fast if it feels safe for themselves and others.

“I get scared and angry. Even ‘just a little’ is more dangerous than you think,” Roger Ytre-Hauge at Frende Forsikringin stated in a press release.

“There must be a change of attitude when 59% say that it is okay to drive faster than the speed limit. Four out of ten fatal accidents are related to speed,” the head of the National Mobile Police Service (Utrykningspolitiet), Steven Hasseldal, said.

The insurance company Ipsos has also carried out a traffic survey before the holidays. The survey, conducted for Gjensidige, shows that four out of ten young drivers have experienced dangerous or unpleasant situations due to driving with headphones.

“When almost half of the young drivers have experienced this, it is serious,” Marie Brudevold, communications manager at Gjensidige, warned.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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