The presence of the British virus variant is increasing in several regions in Sweden. The trend is for the variant to take over where it appears, the Public Health Authority says.
On Thursday, unit manager Sara Byfors presented the figures for the regions of Gävleborg, Skåne, Västmanland, and Örebro, which showed that B117, the corona variant that was first discovered in the UK, is increasing in all regions.
“There is a trend that has been seen in all countries with monitoring after the British variant appeared. It simply takes over,” she said.
The trend is increasing when it comes to the mutated virus, even though the general trend is decreasing in Västmanland, Byfors pointed out.
In Scania, there are also more cases of the British variant, despite the fact that the overall infection figures are fairly unchanged.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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