Sylvi Listhaug on the attack on the Sian leader, “On the way towards Swedish conditions.”

Sylvi ListhaugSylvi Listhaug.Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB scanpix

FRP deputy leader, Sylvi Listhaug, reacted strongly towards the attack on Sian leader, Lars Thorsen, during the demonstration in Bergen on Saturday. “Totally unacceptable”, she said.

There was undrest when the anti-Islamic group, SIAN(Stop the Islamization of Norway) held an event at Festplassen in Bergen on Saturday Morning. 

The Sian leader was attacked and injured and 15 people were arrested by the police after the clashes. Three people are charged with the attack on Thorsen.

-”Even though most of us do not agree with what Sian stands for, they have their full right to express their opinions. The fact that people in Norway are physically attacking people using our constitutional rights, namely freedom of expression, is totally unacceptable.”, Sylvi Listhaug said. 

Photos from Festplassen show that the Sian leader was led away by the police from the podium while, what seems to be, bleeding from the head. 

-”In Norway it is allowed to say negative things about the Prophet Muhammad. The fact that young people attack people who express themselves legally, i get the feeling that we are heading towards Swedish conditions.”, Listhaug said.

The three people charged with the attack on the Sian leader have now been released. All three have been questioned by the police.

-”We are investigating the cases further to be followed by a prosecution assessment.” said on-duty lawyer, Øyvind Rune Bjerkås, of the West Police District to NRK. 

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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