“Measures are needed to save the bumblebees,” says the Norwegian association La Humla Suse, which has invited Nordic farmers to a new bumblebee cooperation.
“In our new Nordic bee project, it is the farmers in different countries who are the main players in ensuring the living conditions of the bumblebees in the future,” Toril Mentzoni, chairman of La Humla Suse, told the Nation.
In the early summer, professionals from all over the Nordic region and parts of the Baltics were gathered at Vikersund in Buskerud for a new bee project that will last for four years. There, strategies and plans were put in place for practical measures in the different countries. All countries face the same challenges as the bumblebees have lost their habitat as agricultural land decreases.
Agriculture has changed our cultural landscape dramatically over the last hundred years – and the conditions for plants and insects have greatly deteriorated. The same negative trend has occurred in all Nordic countries. That is why all the countries involved want to facilitate greater biodiversity in connection with agriculture, Mentzoni told the newspaper.
She believes that Norway is a pioneering country that can inspire. The La Humla Suse Association has received support from the authorities through a national strategy for wild bees, and this strategy is now being forwarded to the authorities of the other countries.
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