The Progress Party (FRP) believes the Norwegian government must accelerate gas exploration activities on the Norwegian shelf. They point out that the EU is now looking for gas from suppliers other than Russia.
“When we now see that there is a great shortage of natural gas in the European market at the same time as Russia is holding back, Norway should aim to produce and export more gas than it does today,” the Progress Party’s energy policy spokesman Frank Sve stated.
He points out that Norway registered record-high tax revenues from the Norwegian continental shelf last (partly due to the sky-high gas prices). He believes that more exploration could allow for increased production and, in the long run, increased gas exports to Europe.
In this autumn’s budget agreement between the government and the Socialist Left Party (SV), an agreement was reached to cancel the 26th licensing round on the Norwegian shelf. The FRP now demands that the government change the decision.
“It does not make sense that the government prevents companies operating on the shelf from looking for oil and gas in new fields, especially when we see that Europe is now in an energy crisis because it lacks gas,” Sve concluded.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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