Olemic Thommessen (H) was been re-elected as Parliament leader.
Eva Kristin Hansen (AP) received 80 votes, while three representatives casted blank votes.
Highly disputed parliamentary candidate Olemic Thommessen was then re-elected with 86 votes during the very special election in the parliament on Saturday.
The result means that not all of the 88 representatives of the citizens voted for Thommessen, as the Right (party) had hoped and counted on.
Not for decades has there been such an election in Parliament. Sp, SV and Red announced early that they would not vote for Thommessen after all the controversies he has been involved in the past year. Friday, the Labor Party (AP) nominated Eva Kristin Hansen as the counter-candidate against Thommessen..
Eva Kristin Hansen was then elected to the Parliament’s vice leader with 147 votes. 22 casted blank votes.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today