So far this year, 63 people have lost their lives in traffic in Norway, compared to 31 people in the first half of last year.
Out of the total, 50 of the dead are men, while 13 are women. The number of men killed has more than doubled compared to last year, Trygg Trafikk reports.
Trygg Trafikk is afraid the dangerous trend will continue this summer. There are 50% more fatal accidents in the summer months than in the rest of the year.
“The summer is high season for serious traffic accidents in this country, and that leads to extra cause for concern when the beginning of the summer has been as tragic as this one.
“In May alone, 21 people lost their lives, and we have to go back to 2008 to find a more deadly month of May,” communications manager Cecilie Bryner in Trygg Trafikk stated.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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