On Monday afternoon, two men were seriously injured in two separate stabbing incidents at Furuset in Oslo.
The police are still looking into whether there is a connection between the two separate stabbings, Trine Jorkjen at the Oslo Police District told TV 2.
The two men were described as critically injured on Monday evening, and on Tuesday morning, their condition was still described as serious.
Jorkjen did not want to provide more detail about the relationship between the victims or a possible motive. The injured are between 18 and 25 years old and allegedly know each other.
On Monday afternoon, the police received a report of a stabbing incident at the Furuset subway station. Shortly after, they received a report of another stabbing at a private address nearby.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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This is sounding like Al Capone’s Chicago gang/mafiya war, and indicates the Politi are losing control of the streets.
Gangs/mafiyas are basically terror groups not only trying to intimidate or “rub out” each other but to intimidate and terrorize the public which this does.
The Norwegian national as well as Oslo (and other communities) governments are going to have to face reality and that this is a war which is going to have to be waged as such, with special additional Draconian powers.
If they don’t, we will soon become Sweden, not that Sweden’s problem isn’t crossing the border already.