Two perished in a house fire in Lier

Lier House fireFire services extingushing a residential fire in Lier near Drammen. Photo: Håkon Mosvold / NTB scanpix

Two perished in a residential fire in Lier

Two persons have been found dead after three homes caught fire in the municipality of Lier in Buskerud during the night before Sunday. The entrance to a highrise in Oslo is, furthermore, probably set on fire.

“The fire services have searched through the building and found two dead persons,” Operations Manager in the Southeastern Police District, Espen Reite, confirms to NTB. He does not want to provide their gender or age.

The bodies were found at 4.05 am. Relatives are notified and taken care of by the municipality’s crisis team, the police inform on Twitter.

The two fatalities are registered as residents of the same house.

A woman sent to Drammen Hospital

The emergency services were notified of the fire at 0.38 am. One of the fires is extinguished on Sunday morning; work is still in progress on the other two.

The buildings are not townhouses, but the buildings are close to each other.

A woman is transported to Drammen Hospital after jumping out of a window of one of the burning houses.

“It supposedly involves a possible bone fracture,” Operations Manager Reite continues.

The house she jumped out of is the same house where the two bodies were found.


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Three residential buildings in Lier

“It may seem that the fire first started in one house, then spread to the other two,” the Operations Manager concludes.

Emergency services also feared further spreading and, therefore, evacuated residents of nine nearby homes. The evacuees are temporarily accommodated in a hotel in Drammen.

Nearby facades, including homes and cars, are foamed to prevent further spreading of the fires.


A highrise in Oslo probably set on fire

The police suspect that a fire in a highrise in Tvetenveien in Oslo on Sunday morning is set.

The emergency services were notified of the fire in the entrance to the highrise at 5.09 am.

“No residents are injured, but they were asked to stay in their apartments to avoid inhalation of smoke. No one was evacuated,”  Duty Officer at the 110 Central Oslo, Hans Kristian Steen, tells NTB.

Smoke divers have searched in the recovery without finding any injured persons. Just before 6.30 am the fire service reports that they are starting to gain control of the fire. It is, therefore, winding down its efforts.

The police report on Twitter that the fire is likely to be intentional and that they are filing a case.

The highrise consists of 16 floors.

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