Health South-East go in for building a new hospital at Gaustad and closing down Ulleval Hospital.
The top management at Health South-East go in for a large regional hospital at Gaustad, a cancer hospital at the Norwegian Radium Hospital and a local hospital at Aker, NRK reported. In addition, they want to close down Ulleval Hospital.
– We suggest a clear direction for the further development of Oslo University Hospital, Cathrine Lofthus, CEO of Health South-East, says.
– We believe that OUS should consist of three hospitals, each with a clear profile, said Lofthus.
The issue will be considered by the Board of Health South-East on June 16, and it may lead to changes. Health Minister Bent Høie also has to give his approval to the decision before it becomes final.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today