Unaccompanied minors have to obtain passports themselves

Sylvi Listhaug waggingSylvi Listhaug (Progress Party).Photo regjeringen.no

85 unaccompanied minors seeking  asylum have to obtain a passport for austerity from the government themselves.

Some of them are just 12 years old,  the newspaper VG writes.
– This is a totally unreasonable solution for these children,  parliamentary representative Geir Toskedal (Christian Democrats) says, and he has questioned the immigration and integration minister Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) on assessments done about the best interests of the children. He also asks whether the children receive help to cover their expenses for obtaining passports.

Listhaug responded that 70 of the youngest asylum seekers have been given a limited stay for one year. Since then the number has risen to 85.

– UDI continually reviews whether the various national authorities have so strict practice of issuing passports that it in practice means that it will be virtually impossible to come up with documentary proof  of your identity. If this is the case, we will allow exemptions so that producing documentation will not be a requirement in these cases,  Listhaug writes.
Until the identity is clarified, the children will be living in care centers and not moved to municipalities.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today