Update: 634 corona-infected patients currently hospitalized in Norway, 54 of them in intensive care

NursesPhoto: Berit Roald / NTB

On Monday, 634 corona-infected patients were hospitalized in Norway, the highest number admitted during the pandemic. Among them, 54 were in intensive care.

The previous peak in the number of hospitalized patients was registered on March 2, 2022, when there were 598 hospitalized corona patients in Norway.

The number of admitted corona patients increased by 79 patients from Friday, and the number of admitted intensive care patients increased by six.

Corona patients made up 7.2% of the total of 8,864 patients admitted to hospitals in Norway on Monday. Those in intensive care made up a quarter of all the country’s intensive care patients.

Of the corona patients in intensive care, 23 were on respirators on Monday, according to the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s overview.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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