Venstre in Oslo would rather form a city council with MDG than Fremskrittsparti (Frp) after the municipal elections wrote Aftenposten newspaper. “Thanks, but no thanks!” Is the answer from MDG.
Venstre in Oslo invited MDG to “talks about forming a new, center-right city council after the election, if the election result should provide a basis for it” said a letter from Venstre’s top candidate, Hallstein Bjerke (V).
‘’This is meant sincerely, it’s not games. I sincerely believe that this is the best way to steer the city’’ he told the newspaper.
Bjerke emphasised that Venstre this year will also goes to the election with an understanding that a liberal majority should make a new city council.
“Thanks, but no thanks!” was the answer from MDG’s Lan Marie Berg.
‘’We are concerned that the green development in Oslo must not stop, therefore we will go to elections in city councils with the Arbeiderpartiet (Ap) and Sosialistisk Venstreparti (SV). Together with them, we have reduced car traffic, made the air cleaner and strengthened the public transport service. At the same time, we see that Høyre and Venstre, together with Fremskrittsparti (Frp), fight for new motorways into Oslo’’ she wrote in an email.
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