Vy wants to cut the number of daily departures between Norway’s two largest cities from six to four.
Vy justifies the cut with a lack of passenger base after the summer, Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) writes. The travel habits of the passengers changed during the pandemic and have not stabilized yet, according to the company.
“We envision that we will gradually increase to the level we had before the pandemic, but the passenger base is not there yet,” communications manager at Vy, Åge-Christoffer Lundeby, stated.
The number of departures depends on Vy and the Norwegian Railway Directorate, which will negotiate in August and September.
“This is the opposite of what we need. Now there is a need to cut air traffic in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” Holger Schlaupitz, head of the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature (Naturvernforbundet), said about the possible cuts.
There are an average of 18 flights between Oslo and Bergen daily.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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