Many attend wolf marking in 6 cities

Wolf marking OsloMany gathers in front of the Norwegian Parliament to demonstrate for the preservation of wolves and other predators in Norway. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

Thousands gathered for wolf marking in 6 cities

A few thousand persons in six South Norwegian cities have gathered for markings in favour of the wolves. They protest against the Norwegian Government’s lack of protection of the carnivores.

The wolf marking started at 1 pm and takes place outside the Parliament in Oslo, as well as in Fredrikstad, Elverum, Trondheim, Bergen and Kristiansand.

There are appeals from professionals, key politicians, inhabitants in the Wolf Zone and organisations such as WWF, the NNR, NOAH and Greenpeace.

Outside the Parliament, the participants display a number of banners and posters with the inscriptions: «Let them live,» «Stop the extermination policy,» «Part of Norway,» and «Life is for all.» A number of cardboard cutouts of wolves were strategically placed around the square as well.


It is the organisation NOAH – for animal rights that arranges the various markings. A total of 2,700 persons indicate that they are participating, while 8,500 more indicate that they are interested to do so on the event’s Facebook page.

Earlier this week, thousands of wolf opponents from all over Norway demonstrated in front of the Parliament, and on Saturday it is those who are on the other side of the inflamed conflict’s turn to make their voices heard.

“Endangered animals need better protection all over the world. Norway is now a bad example to other countries, Leader of NOAH,” Siri Martinsen, appeals.

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