Woman acquitted of kidnapping son from Norwegian Child Welfare Services

Verdict - law - courtPhoto: Berit Roald / NTB

A 46-year-old woman has been acquitted of kidnapping her son from the child welfare institution where he was placed. The court believes the woman had no other choice.

“The court has come to the conclusion that the accused had no other reasonable course of action than to take her son home to a safe and familiar environment,” the verdict from the district court in Eastern Norway reads, according to newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad.

The woman was accused of taking a minor out of the country without an agreement with the Child Welfare Services. 

She lived in another country in Europe, but drove to Norway to pick up her son at a child welfare institution in Eastern Norway in January 2020.

A couple of days earlier, the son said he could not live if he continued living at the institution. The mother then promised that she would pick him up.

Unable to establish contact

The boy currently lives at home with his mother in Rogaland with his siblings.

When asked why she did not contact the Child Welfare Services to make a formal agreement to pick up her son, the woman answered that she was unable to contact them. 

Stavanger’s head of child welfare did not want to comment on the case. The institution where the boy was staying when the woman picked him up has received criticism from the County governor.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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2 Comments on "Woman acquitted of kidnapping son from Norwegian Child Welfare Services"

  1. This story would of been very different if it was the father that did the same thing.

  2. Berhane Haile | 24. May 2021 at 09:04 | Reply

    Not all but many barnevern members abuse their power and take children on unreasonable grounds. I know so many cases where the children are advised by their friends to claim that they have been beaten by their parents so that they could live a luxurious life with Norwegian families. This happens so many times. It is so incredible that such things happen in Norway, a land of justice and equality.

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