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Young Norwegians are somewhat more skeptical of corona measures, new survey shows

Used face maskPhoto: Jil Yngland / NTB

45% – less than half of respondents – agree that the Norwegian authorities are implementing the right measures during the pandemic, according to a new survey. Younger people, in particular, are skeptical.

In the age group 16–24 years, 23% state that they believe the authorities are implementing the right measures. 32% believe the same in the age group 25–34 years, according to the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s population survey, the newspaper Aftenposten reports.

A majority of respondents believe the measures are correct only in the two groups over the age of 55.

“This is two-sided. Some of the elderly say that the measures are correct. We must reflect on that. And the measures also must be infection-based. We must be open about the dilemmas we have when we decide on the measures,” Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol (AP) told Aftenposten.

The survey was performed by Mindshare and Respons Analysis. A total of 1,449 participated in the survey.

Effect unknown

According to Aftenposten, researchers know little about the actual effects of the corona measures, which is partly due to the fact that they are difficult to research. The strict health research law is a major obstacle, Atle Fretheim, director of research and innovation at the National Institute of Public Health (FHI), stated.

“We were not aware of it. It came as a surprise,” Fretheim added.

The uncertainty surrounding the effect applies, among other things, to the alcohol-serving ban. Only 1% of infection cases in Oslo can be traced to nightclubs in the last four weeks. At the same time, the researchers assume that the infection spreads easily in alcohol-serving venues.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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