SAS refuses to lower ticket prices in front of a summer season that is expected to be poor. But the SAS boss acknowledges that they may have to do so anyway.
SAS announced its quarterly report on Tuesday, where the company estimated that the flight strike in April cost the company, SEK 650 million.
However, the company have no plans to lower ticket prices to attract customers again, despite the fact that the forecasts for traffic to southern Europe during the summer season are very negative wrote
E24 news.
SAS could nevertheless be forced to lower prices because the poor forecasts have already led to more airlines starting to lead what CEO Rickard Gustafson called ‘aggressive campaigns’.
“We cannot close our eyes to this, and we must adapt” he said.
Increased fuel prices and a weak Swedish krone are at the top of the reasons for lower sales and they exert pressure not only on SAS, but also on other airlines.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today