Strong growth in number of Chinese tourists visiting Norway
Figures from Statistics Norway (Statistisk sentralbyrå – SSB) show that in the first three months of the year, Chinese nationals made 31,803 overnight stays in Norway, an increase of over 90% from the same period in 2016. The figures are discussed in Bergens Tidende newspaper.
Compared to the past three years, there has been a clear jump in 2017.
By 2015, Chinese tourists accounted for 11,354 overnight stays; in 2016 the figure was 16,722 for January, February, and March.
‘China can become one of our largest foreign markets,’ said Bergen Reiselivslag Director, and President of NHO Reiseliv, Ole Warberg.
An ever-increasing Chinese middle class, and recent improvements to relations between Norway and China are cited as possible reasons.
Improved relations
The tourist industry noted a downturn in relations between Norway and China after Liu Xiaobo received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.
‘It was more difficult to introduce Norway as a travel destination, and to promote trips here,’ said Warberg.
In December last year, the government announced that relations between the two countries had been normalised after six years without any political engagement.
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