Norwegians use aircraft for 40% of all travel involving an overnight stay. The proportion is more than twice as high as in Europe as a whole.
Europeans use cars for almost two-thirds of all journeys with accommodation, while aircraft account for 17% showed the 2017 figures published by the EU statistical agency, Eurostat, on Thursday.
But Norwegians stand out. Here, only 47% of the journeys are carried by car, but 40% are by air. Only four countries have a higher flight share than Norway: Malta (63%), Cyprus (49%), Ireland (43%), and Luxembourg (42%).
The train share in Norway is 5%, compared with almost 11% in Europe as a whole.
Europeans carried out a total of 1.3 billion journeys with accommodation in 2017. In Norway, 23,268 journeys were registered. Almost three out of four journeys took place in their home countries. Half of the trips were holidays, while just over a third were visiting family and friends.
The statistics include EU member states plus Norway and Switzerland.
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