Avinor’s Oslo Airport proudly announces the addition of Addis Ababa to its route network with new airline partner Ethiopian Airlines.
Announcing another important new connection, Avinor’s Oslo Airport has confirmed the commencement of Ethiopian Airlines’ five times weekly service to Addis Ababa, via Stockholm. Norway’s international hub will welcome the Star Alliance carrier on 26 March, which will utilise its fleet of two-class 270-seat 787s on the 6,133-kilometre sector.
Commenting on the significant route development, Øyvind Hasaas, CEO Avinor Oslo Airport, says: “We’re very proud that Africa’s largest carrier has chosen Oslo as its next Scandinavian destination. Having worked extensively with Ethiopian Airlines we’re now looking forward to welcoming the carrier as part of Oslo Airport’s portfolio. This new route will connect Norwegian travellers not only to another African nation but also make numerous other destinations available via the Star Alliance carrier’s hub.”
The arrival of its latest carrier will further enhance Oslo’s Star Alliance position as the service will link two large Star Alliance hubs together offering connectivity at both ends. Providing connections to its 95 international destinations across five continents, Ethiopian Airlines’ new route will also make Oslo’s 50+ destinations across the Nordic and Baltic countries available to African travellers. Facing no direct competition on the airport pair, Ethiopian Airlines will be adding Oslo’s third connection to Africa this summer, joining existing links to Marrakech and Sharm El Sheikh. Ethiopia becomes Norway’s capital city airport’s third African nation, alongside Egypt and Morocco.
Ethiopian Airlines’ Group CEO, Tewolde GebreMariam remarked: “With Africa’s economic boom and its growing trade, investment, business and tourism ties with Europe in general, and Norway in particular, Ethiopian is pleased to provide the essential air connectivity that will serve as the engine for the continued growth of these relations. In addition to serving the growing travel needs between Oslo and Africa, we will be able to offer efficient connections between Africa and Central and Eastern Europe in cooperation with our Star Alliance partners.” GebreMariam added:
“The inclusion of Oslo in the Ethiopian network is part of Ethiopian Vision 2025, connecting Africa with the major world economic and financial hubs. I would like to thank all who worked hard towards making this route possible.”
Source: Avinor / Norway Today