Education of nurses in Norway: 139 study places remain empty

NursePhoto: Jil Yngland / NTB

A total of 500 new study places in nursing have been created, but the existing study places have not been filled.

A total of 139 study places have not been filled. That is 25 more unused study places than two years ago, Khrono writes.

With twelve of the country’s 36 different educational programs in nursing at the bachelor level, the schools are unable to fill the study places.

“Politicians start at the wrong end. Before they create lots of new study places, they must do something about education,” Edel Taraldsen, who heads the student organization of the Norwegian Nurses’ Association, noted.

Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayEducation

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1 Comment on "Education of nurses in Norway: 139 study places remain empty"

  1. Are – or aren’t – Norwegian nurses underpaid and overworked?
    That might explain the recruiting difficulty.

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