There has been a significant increase in cheating at universities and colleges in Norway last year

University of South-Eastern NorwayPhoto: Trond Reidar Teigen / NTB

The appeals boards at ten universities and four state colleges in Norway dealt with 735 cases of cheating last year, which is an increase of 54%.

A total of 735 students had their exams annulled or were expelled. The year before, the number was 476, Khrono writes.

Although the total cheating rate is increasing, the number itself is small, as a very small number of exams has been carried out.

The University of South-Eastern Norway had the most cheating cases, 117, an increase of just over 90%.

Cases from the end of last year are not included in the statistics, as the appeals boards will not review them until this spring.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayEducation

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