The government has set aside NOK 13.1 million for a trial of heroin-assisted treatment. 300 drug users are included in the trial project.
“It is very good that we get this in place,” says Minister of Climate and Environment Ola Elvestuen (V) to Aftenposten.
The Left have been pushing this proposal in their party’s program since 2007, and are getting this breakthrough for what they believe is a more humane and knowledge-based substance abuse treatment program.
Elvestuen believes heroin-assisted treatment must be seen in the context of the entire drug reform that is underway, with injection rooms and more drugs into LAR.
The trial project on heroin-assisted treatment will be completed in Oslo and Bergen next year, where a total of 300 drug users will receive the offer. It is also proposed that the project be five years. The proposal is presented in the state budget, which will be presented, today,Monday.
The drug patient must visit special clinics twice daily to receive a dose of medical heroin. The clinics will be open for ten hours each day throughout the year and will be staffed by a doctor, nurses, psychologist and intoxicant coordinator. The heroin used is to be manufactured legally by drug companies and can be injected or given in the form of tablets.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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