When the health center at Hovden closes for its summer break, health nurse Ingrid Bjønes will place condoms in the woods to those who need it.
Tips and hints on where the condoms are located will be shared on Snapchat, writes Fædrelandsvennen.
“I want to create a little scavenger hunt for the condoms. Here we kill to birds with one stone. This way we get young people into the woods, and get them to use condoms,” says Bjønnes. She reminds that Norwegian youths are the worst in Europe to use condoms.
The health nurse says this measure also allows young people to get a hold of condoms without people in the vicinity knowing about it.
“When the health center closes for holiday, one can only buy condoms at the store. Then you have to ask your mother or a friend if they can buy them for you, and that’s not cool. At the same time, Hovden is a small place, so it is quite obvious if you go to the store all the time to buy condoms,” says Bjønnes. She says she is excited to hear the feedback when the six-week summer experiment is over.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

gosh what a major contribution to society.
There is a falling birthrate it has almost hit ‘critical mass”..is she so keen to eradicate Norwegians ?
The mind boggles