People on the absolute income peak can expect to live on average for many years longer than those with the lowest incomes according to recent research.
The research was led by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health NRK news reported.
“If we compared the extremes in terms of those with the absolute highest income and the absolute lowest income, then there is almost 14 years difference in life expectancy for men and slightly more than eight years difference in life expectancy for women” said researcher
Jonas Minet Kinge of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health to NRK.
Cancer, cardiovascular disease, suicide and intoxication are more common among those who earn the least. Also, Alzheimer’s turned out to be especially prevalent among women, Minet Kinge told NRK.
‘’We saw an increase in Alzheimer’s among low-income women. We did not see that for high-income women. It was discussed whether it could have anything to do with smoking’’ he said.
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