Large offer variations to young with dementia

Alzheimer dementiaMan suffering from Alzheimer. Photo: geralt /

Large variations in the offer to young with dementia

Dementia care in Norway is not adapted to the few younger persons affected by the disease, and needs a completely different offer than those over the age of 65, according to a Norwegian study.

Researcher Marte Kvello-Alme has written her doctorate «Young Dementia in Trøndelag». Her findings are published by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

“Dementia care in Norway is built up with a view to the old guard. Younger with dementia need a different approach and offer of help,” Kvello-Alme emphasizes to VG.

She has, as a Medical Doctor and research fellow at the hospital Levanger and NTNU, led a study of persons affected by symptoms of dementia before the age of 65. This is the first study of its kind in Scandinavia.


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2,000 suffering from dementia

There are about 2,000 younger persons with dementia in Norway, the youngest being diagnosed with the disease in their early forties. Kvello-Aune says that it is a large difference in how the municipalities in Norway meet these patients. Not least, since they have completely different needs than patients – suffering from the same diagnosis – who are several decades older.

According to the national guidelines, municipalities should have a customised offer for younger dement.  Minister for the Elderly and Public Health, Sylvi Listhaug (Progress Party), comments that neither the health service nor the municipalities have enough knowledge in the area. She further states that the differences are too large.

“An active 40-years-old must be offered something other besides playing bingo with persons who are 40-50 years older than them,” Listhaug concludes.

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