Egg consummation doubled during Easter

Easter eggEaster egg

At Easter eggs sell like hot potatoes. According to monopolist Nortura we’re going to consume 5.4 million eggs every day during Easter.

This is a doubling of consumption, compared with the current week, according to the trade organisation, Virke.

– Many of those eggs will be accompanied by bacon, Director of Consumption in Virke, Ingvill Størksen, states.

She tells us that we are expected to consume a total of 300 metric tons of bacon in the coming week.

– And the consumption of sausages is also being more than tripled through Easter, Størksen tells.

During a typical week Norwegians consume an average of about 300 tons of sausages are eaten. Easter, more than triples that, it is expected that a whopping 1,000 tons of sausages are devoured.

On the healthier side, the orange still stands out as Easter fruit number one. Recent figures from the Information Office for Fruit and Vegetables shows that we all in all imported 38,560 metric tons of oranges to Norway in 2016.

– A significant portion of this was eaten in and around Easter. The estimates from last year indicate that we were going to consume no less than 5,000 tons of oranges during the coming Holidays, she says.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today

2 Comments on "Egg consummation doubled during Easter"

  1. Ummm… I guess you mean “consumption”? Are is having sex with your eggs a new Norwegian Easter tradition?

    • Ummm… I guess you mean “consumption”? Or is having sex with your eggs a new Norwegian Easter tradition?

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