Labor Party, Center Party, and the Socialist Left Party reach agreement on electricity support measures

The Labor Party (AP), the Center Party (SP), and the Socialist Left Party (SV) have agreed on an electricity support package of measures.

“Now people can go into Christmas less worried,” the Labor Party’s energy and environmental policy spokesperson Terje Aasland said.

The parties point out that so far this winter, extreme effects on electricity prices have led to a very demanding situation for many households. 

Therefore, the AP, the SP, and the SV believe it is right to increase the benefits rate from the government’s proposed 50% to 55% to support Norwegian households in the current situation with high electricity prices.

“No one should have to freeze”

“No one should have to freeze through the winter due to fear of high electricity bills. The electricity package that we now agreed on will be quickly passed through the Storting. 

“It secures ordinary electricity consumers against extreme electricity prices. The state is picking up 55% of the bill when the average market rate for electricity exceeds 70 øre per kilowatt-hour for one month,” the Labor Party’s energy and environmental policy spokesperson Terje Aasland said.

The scheme as a whole has been strengthened by NOK 1 billion, he said.

The parties also agreed that the housing benefit scheme would be expanded by adjusting the income limits and deductibles to allow around 40,000 new recipients to join the scheme. 

In addition, the rules are temporarily changed so that more people who own homes can also join the scheme. For existing housing benefit recipients, the proposal will involve an average extra payment of approximately NOK 1,900. For new housing benefit recipients, the agreement will involve an average payment of NOK 2,800.

It is also agreed that the subsidy to the municipalities will be increased by NOK 200 million to cover additional expenses for social assistance as a result of high electricity prices.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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