Norwegians most concerned with housing prices in the Nordic countries

Houses in Jessheim, GystadHouses in Jessheim, Gystad.Photo: Norway Today Media

Almost 35 percent of Norwegians say that they often follow developments in house prices, compared to 28 percent in Denmark and Sweden, and only 20 percent in Finland.


“For many Norwegians it’s very important to own your own home, and historically it has been that way a long time. It is also an expectation that you will be buying a home as quickly as possible,” says consumer economist Anne Motzfeldt from Danske Bank, who has commissioned the survey from YouGov.

However, when Norwegians often bind their money to real estate, Swedes and Danes are better at saving in equities and mutual funds. According to Eurostat figures from 2015, Norway was on the bottom of the Nordic region in stock of equity and equity fund shares, while Sweden and Denmark were at the top.

“Norwegians have a lot to learn from their neighboring countries. By spreading their savings on property, bank accounts and the stock market, you also spread the risk factors,” says Motzfeldt.


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