The Progress Party’s (FRP) deputy leader Sylvi Listhaug believes a new initiative is needed to ensure that Norwegian survives the crisis.
On Thursday morning, Sylvi Listhaug, Jon Georg Dale, and Bård Hoksrud from FRP will meet Norwegian’s top management.
On Friday, the three will also meet the trade union Parat.
The meetings’ goal is to hear Norwegian’s thoughts on what is needed to save the company.
“A responsibility to help”
“We see that Swedish and Danish politicians have stepped in and helped support SAS. Norwegian is headquartered in Norway.
It’s important for employment and for the route offered to most people. FRP believes that we as Norwegian politicians now have a responsibility to help save Norwegian,” Listhaug said in a press release.
According to her, FRP will now take the initiative to find a solution that will save Norwegian.
“It is important for Norway that Norwegian survives,” Listhaug accentuated.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
What about helping The Norwegian oil companies, instead of outsourcing to third world countries