Rema will open 15 stores on Sunday. The Police have given notice that they will not use resources to determine whether the stores are breaking the law, and the Christian Democrats react.
Earlier this year Rema reported 120 stores of competing companies to the police for operating in violation of the “Brustradbru” regulations, which limited the types of stores that were allowed to stay open on Sundays, but all the reports were dismissed. So now the chain store has decided that they instead of using the Brustadbu solution, will set up cordons in existing stores delimiting Sunday shop-area, writes Aftenposten.
– We’re not initate any investigations into this. But if someone reports one of the stores to us, we will be considering it. I would not be surprised if the outcome will be the same as in the cases earlier this year, Roar Hanssen of the Oslo police said to Vårt Land.
KrF spokesman Geir J. Bekkevold implores both the industry and the government to stop the food giants from pushing the limits and bending the rules and regulations.
He believes the government’s lack of clarification on whether all kinds of shops and stores will be allowed to stay open on Sundays , creates a gray area where business interests can bend the rules and push limits to suit their own interests . Bekkevold believes that drawing cordons through parts of a retail area, is a violation of the law.
– There has to be separate premises – and the store should not be over 100 square meters. I expect that everyone who wants to run a Sunday open shop, will respect these clear rules.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today