More and more people are searching for solar-power cells online. Both private home owners, and owners of commercial buildings have begun to see the potential in solar energy. Now it’s becomes possible to buy solar-cell panels directly in the store.
Dagens Næringsliv newspaper reported that Solar-power systems for Norwegian rooftops, from a company called ‘Otovo’, are to be sold in Elkjøp’s stores.
An analysis from Multiconsult showed that in 2016, three times more solar-power was installed on private houses, and eight times the amount on commercial buildings as the year previously, when calculating power capacity at standard test conditions. In Sweden and Denmark, the numbers are much higher.
Elkjøp has seen an ever-increasing demand for solar-power systems, especially in searches on their online store internet site.
Andreas Thorsheim, one of the founders behind Otovo, believes that solar-cell buyers can be divided into three groups.
‘You have those who want to be innovative, and want to buy everything that’s the latest, that’s new. You have the environmentalists, and then you have the economists. The strongest indicator that you’ll want to buy solar- cells is that you own an electric car. The second strongest is that your neighbour has them’, said Thorsheim.
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