Prime Minister Erna Solberg presented key pieces from the National Transport Strategy at Arna Station in Bergen on Tuesday.
Solberg announced the news about E16 Arna Stanghelle, Ringway East, Sotra Sambandet and Hordfast.
– We know that there are many challenges in this county. Landslips, winding roads and railways, deep fjords and many areas with poor maintenance.
I know that the expectations from the National Transport plan is great and I do not think people in Hordaland will be completely satisfied until we spend all the NTP money here, joked the Prime Minister.
E16 between Arna and Stanghelle is one of the projects to be prioritized. The risk of landslides , closed roads and detours that do not meet today’s requirements, is why the road is a priority, Solberg underlined.
– E16 must be fully funded over a twelve year period. Rail streches may take a little longer, said Solberg.
Ring Road East from Arna to Vågsbotn is another transport project which is at the top of the agenda. Ten kilometers of a four-lane road has been planned , and the road will be financed by 2.2 billion from the state and 2.3 billion in road tolls.
Hordfast will also be completed, but Solberg stressed that one must evaluate the costs. The original estimated cost was 26 billion, but the price has gone up to 43 billion since.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today