Stavanger: Strong growth in rental housing prices registered in 2021

StavangerPhoto: Carina Johansen / NTB

The growth in rental housing prices has been moderate in 2021. Stavanger and Sandnes are exceptions, with a sharp rise in rental prices.

Overall, rental housing prices in Norway rose by 1.4% in 2021. While Oslo and Bergen saw an increase of 1.2% and 4.3%, respectively, during the year, rental prices in Trondheim fell by 3%, according to a press release from Eiendom Norge.

Stavanger and Sandnes registered a sharp spike of 11% in rental prices.

“We have previously described the second-hand housing market in the Stavanger region as healthy. The rental housing market in the region is now back after many weak years,” CEO Henning Lauridsen of Eiendom Norge stated.

Stavanger and Sandnes also had the strongest development in the fourth quarter of 2021, with an increase of 6.4%. In Oslo, prices rose by 0.1%. In Bergen and Trondheim, they fell by 4.4 and 5.9%, respectively.

“In Bergen and Trondheim, we have historically seen that the development has fluctuated a lot, which we believe is related to the fact that there are especially many students who rent housing there,” he said.

Source : NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayFinance

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