429 whales were shot during this year’s season. It is the worst catch in 20 years, according to the Norwegian Small Whaling Team (Norges Småkvalfangerlag).
By comparison, 454 whales were caught last year. The quota is 1,278 animals, the same as the previous year, writes NRK.
The low catch is due to low demand for whale meat.
“It is difficult to deal in whales now. This means that the fishermen choose other types of fishing over whaling, where they can earn more,” says chairman Truls Soløy of the Norwegian Small Whaling Team.
In 1982, the International Whaling Commission introduced a so-called moratorium, i.e. a break for whaling. Subsequently, the minke whale also received the highest possible protection under the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). This means that all commercial trade in minke whale products is prohibited.
Norway has reserved itself against both the whaling commission’s moratorium and the CITES list of minke whales, and issues a whaling quota every year. This year’s whaling began on April 1st.
There are more than 100,000 minke whales in Norwegian waters.
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