Evidence indicates that this year’s ‘New Year Baby’ was born ten minutes after midnight at the Østfold hospital in Kalnes.
Duty midwife, Anne Guren, told the news agency, NTB, that the New Year baby was born at the hospital at 00.10 on January 1st.
The country’s largest maternity ward at Ullevål Hospital in Oslo, received a child born at 18 minutes after midnight. The call
went round the country’s maternity wards. The news that Østfold looked to walk away with the title, led to exhilaration and
jubilation at the maternity ward at Kalnes, north of Sarpsborg.
Midwives could not, at 02.30 on New Year’s night, supply information about the child’s gender or vital life-goals.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today