From 4 pm on Thursday afternoon till 4 am Friday, almost 11,000 lightning strikes were registered from Hallingdal, west of the Swedish border in Østfold.
The storm moved east and early Friday morning the front crossed the border into Sweden. This is shown by the lightning observation map from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute
A few hundred homes in various places in Eastern Norway were without electricity for short periods of time due to the storm. In Oslo, the heavy lightning and thunderstorm started around 11 pm.
– “At Vinderen in Oslo, three children had to be checked at the emergency room after lightning had struck close to them. They were camping,” says operations manager Vidar Pedersen in the Oslo police to NTB.
Lightning struck two detached houses in Bærum, and no one was injured.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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