Bergen chief medical adviser: Two meters of distance is not always enough

Trond Egil HansenPhoto: Marit Hommedal / NTB

A distance of two meters provides good protection against corona infection outdoors. But indoors, even two meters can be too little, health leaders in Bergen warn.

“Indoors, especially if you are with others for some time, and have poor ventilation, it seems that even two meters of distance do not provide adequate protection,” chief medical adviser Trond Egil Hansen in Bergen Municipality said during a press conference on Monday.

He pointed out that there is a big difference in the risk of infection spread indoors and outdoors.

“Outdoors, it seems that a distance of two meters gives great security against being infected,” Hansen said.

On Monday, Bergen Municipality eased the measures for young people somewhat, but the infection situation is still uncertain in the region.

Authorities concerned

The Municipality is concerned that crowded parties and gatherings may lead to an increase in infection.

Among other things, it was reported that up to 1,000 people were gathered outdoors in Nygårdsparken near Bergen city center this weekend.

Hansen encouraged people who may have been exposed to infection to get tested.

“This applies if you have been to a party or other social gathering where the infection control rules, especially the distance rules, have not been complied with. Then, you should test yourself,” he said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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2 Comments on "Bergen chief medical adviser: Two meters of distance is not always enough"

  1. We must follow the rules against any viruses especially this deadly complicated COVID!
    You can’t mess up with it or it will kill you! Follow the advice of doctors! get your jab from BioNTech/Pfizer, my nr. pointer, my opinion! We read the DATA! (what’s inside a vaccine is important!)The world is now getting noticed of this best vaccine from Dr.Ugur Sahin! A 6-year-old who migrated to Germany from Turkey! A genius doctor. My husband who is a Surgeon met him one time. He is the creator of the best vaccine. The second is Moderna from America!BioNTech/Pfizer is the ONE! My opinion as an OR nurse/husband is Prof.Surgeon/daughter is also a doctor!

  2. For Bergen’s rain-soaked information, this is not new news. It has been known since 9 March 2020. South China Morning Post:

    Coronavirus can travel twice as far as official ‘safe distance’ and stay in air for 30 minutes, Chinese study finds
    Authorities advise people to stay 1-2 metres apart, but researchers found that a bus passenger infected fellow travellers sitting 4.5 metres away
    The scientists behind the research said their investigation also highlighted the importance of wearing face masks because of the length of time it can linger

    Stephen Chen in Beijing

    Published: 9:44pm, 9 Mar, 2020


    And the people on the bus wearing facemasks did *not* get infected. And the vapor form of this aerial killer may stay in the air longer.

    And maybe my first comment pushing facemasks here on Norway Today is under the 15 March 2020 article “King Harald: – Unreal, strange and a frightening situation.”


    Carol, I would be careful about pushing people into vaccines, if the side effects of the various vaccines – including/especially longterm side effects – are still not known so soon. And are all the COVID mutations going to need their own, specific vaccines? And what side effects from multiple vaccinations could there be?

    Remember the 100 kids in Norway who contracted lifelong narcolepsy from the adjuvant swine flu vaccine in 2009 – not my then 1.5 year old son, thanks to my last-minute-before-the-bus Internet research.

    COVID is a deep, powerful disease requiring a deep powerful vaccine.

    And *any* clotting, even just from vaccine side effects, could kill someone with a heart condition. (I got a big, wonderful rack of pre-cooked spare ribs a few months ago, and for 3 days my heart grumbled about it.)

    In fact, I think I may have had COVID a year ago in early February 2020, and that is when I had my 4th – mild – I again controlled it with my technique of laying my left arm up above my head on my bed – although my fastlege/GP and the cardiologists at Akershus say it was serious, if undamaging – heart attack.

    Everyone must think for themselves and make their own decision, about this.

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