Acting KrF leader Olaug Bollestad called for an immediate rule change so that Norwegian parliament (Storting) representatives would be allowed to bring newborn children into the hall.
“I think it is embarrassing that the Storting hall is not open to breastfeeding mothers. It is an old-fashioned and outdated set of rules,” Bollestad stated in a press release.
Today, the Storting does not allow the representatives to bring newborn children into the Storting hall.
Parliamentary representative and new mother Anja N. Abusland called for clearer guidelines for newborn children and breastfeeding in the Storting.
Abusland’s position
Abusland told the newspaper Klassekampen that she sees the arguments against allowing newborn children in the hall but thinks it should be possible to make exceptions.
“Maybe you should take a look at it. I would not automatically say no,” the SP politician stated.
She received full support from Bollestad, who is herself a mother of four.
The KrF leader says she will join forces with Storting President Eva Kristin Hansen (AP) and propose an immediate rule change.
“The fact that the Storting does not allow it sends an incredibly bad signal to all mothers and workplaces. The Storting should be a leader in these issues,” Bollestad noted.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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