Three out of four municipalities in Norway have entered into cooperation with other municipalities to bring down the emissions of greenhouse gases.
Through the state budget for 2019, the Government have increased the Climate budget by NOK 53 million to a total of NOK 200 million wrote Nationen newspaper. The scheme distributes funds to various environmental measures that will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to restructuring toward a low-emission society.
‘’The search figures for 2019 show that there is a record interest among municipalities across the country to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a low-emission society’’ said section leader, Herdis Laupsa, in the section for ‘climate adaptation and local climate measures’ of the Environment Directorate to Nationen.
For 2019, 574 applications have been received, which is an increase of 64% from 2018.
71 applications came from climate-friendly land and transport planning. 212 applications included the implementation of various climate measures in transport.127 applications came from other sectors, and 136 applications covered various pre-projects.
28 applications related to support for various climate networks that involve around 300 municipalities.
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