Minister of Finance and Conservative Deputy Jan Tore Sanner (H) acknowledges that there is a change of government according to the forecasts that came on election night.
The Conservative deputy leader says that the party will act constructively in opposition in the next parliamentary term.
“Of course we hoped for continued government power and a Conservative Party that is higher than what we see now, but the polls have pointed in this direction,” Sanner told NTB.
“It is common in Norway to rule for four, or a maximum of eight years. So it would have taken a small miracle to win a third term. I am very proud of the results we have received in government, we see that the arrows are pointing in the right direction,” he added.
– What has gone wrong in the election campaign?
“We will have plenty of time to evaluate the election campaign in the days and weeks to come. I think that what we see now, first and foremost, is related to the fact that the parties usually do not sit for more than four or eight years,” Sanner added.
Source: NTB / #NorwayTodayNews
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