A total of 31 100 moose were shot during the hunting year 2015/2016; a decrease of 2 000 animals from the previous hunting year.
In total, a felling quota of 40 700 animals was issued, which is a decrease of 2 600 animals from the previous hunting year. The hunting success rate was 76 per cent.
Decline in Hedmark and Buskerud
In the counties of Hedmark and Buskerud, 5 400 and 2 300 moose were shot respectively, a decrease of 12 and 10 per cent from the hunting year 2014/2015. Hedmark is the largest “moose county” in terms of the number of licences and animals shot. A total of 7 400 hunting licences were issued, which is a decrease of 300 from the previous hunting year.
61 200 moose hunters
Among the cervid species, moose hunting is the most common. A total of 61 200 hunters participated in the moose hunt during the 2014/2015 hunting season.
Source: SSB / Norway Today
Thanks for providing enough data. We know among the cervid species, moose hunting is the most common but we still can’t take appropriate action.We must take action as soon as possible.Have you written any post about the necessity of stooping the moose hunting?
I like your post but I can’t find the source of data. It will helpful to my research to get the people trust.
So after the two week period, a calf may not be shot, what if the calf is with the cow and she is shot, the calf will die. Rethink your regulations. Ask the hunters, not the guy sitting at his desk.